Add Interactions to Regularized Regression

Lasso & glinternet Every Data Scientist and her dog know linear and logistic regression. The majority will probably also know that these models have regularized versions, which increase predictive performance by reducing variance (at the cost of a small increase in bias). Choosing L1-regularization (Lasso) even gets you variable selection for free. The theory behind these models is covered expertly in The Elements of Statistical Learning (for an easier version, see An Introduction to Statistical Learning), and implemented nicely in the packages glmnet for R and scikitlearn for Python.

R package CTRE

Models extremes of bursty time series.

R package CTRE: thresholding bursty time series

The R package is now available on CRAN. It Models extremes of ‘bursty’ time series via Continuous Time Random Exceedances (CTRE). (See companion paper.)

R package MittagLeffleR: Using the Mittag-Leffler distributions in R

First version of an R package which calculates probability densities of the Mittag-Leffler families of distributions.

R package MittagLeffleR

Computes Mittag-Leffler probability densities.

Inference for Bursty Extremes

Identifying antidepressant users with depression

Only 1223 of antidepressant users have depression. How do we use statistical learning to predict depression given antidepressant use?